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History and culture Search



  • Central Karatsu area
  • 神社・仏閣

In the center of Karatsu city stands an impressive white torii gate, marking the entrance to Karatsu Shrine. The shrine is said to have been built at some point within the Nara period, between the years 710-794 A.D. and is dedicated to Sumiyoshi Sanshin and Kouda Muneshigu. Karatsu Shrine is the starting and ending place for the Karatsu float festival, Karatsu Kunchi, which goes from November 2nd to the 4th.

住所 唐津市南城内3-13
電話番号 0955-72-2264
営業時間 9:00~17:00
休み 無し
駐車場 無料駐車場あり(20台ほど)
Access JR唐津駅より徒歩15分
二次元バーコード バーコードを表示する



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