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  • Central Karatsu area
  • Hamatama
  • 花・木

Spanning a length of beach in view of the castle, Niji no Matsubara stretches along the coast with a fabled count of over one million hand planted pine trees. The man-made forest was created by Karatsu’s first Lord of Agency, Terazawa Hirotaka as a wind breaker to preserve crops from wind damage. The forest is approximately 500 meters wide, and 4.5 kilometers long. Niji no Matsubara stands with Miho Matsubara and Kehi Matsubara as one of the three most precious pine forests in Japan, and has been designated as an important scenic spot in Japan.
Niji no Matsubara was once featured on a television program dedicated to culturally significant landmarks that must be preserved in the 21st century.
While you’re visiting, why not try to experience the seven hidden wonders within the forest? These wonders include silent cicadas and a lack of snakes!

住所 唐津市東唐津~浜玉町
駐車場 135台(無料)
Access 西九州道「唐津IC」より車で約20分
二次元バーコード バーコードを表示する



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