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  • Central Karatsu area
  • 花・木

In the eastern part of Karatsu stands Mt. Kagami at 284 meters high. From the observation point at the top of the mountain, visitors can see a magnificent view of Niji no Matsubara, the Karatsu area and Karatsu Bay. Mt. Kagami is also a popular place to see cherry blossoms and azaleas. In spring, the 4 km road leading up to the peak becomes a tunnel of pink blossoms. All year round, visitors come to enjoy the observation tower, walking through the park’s mountain trails, and discovering rather scandalous monuments.

住所 唐津市鏡・浜玉
駐車場 あり
Access JR東唐津駅より車で約15分
二次元バーコード バーコードを表示する




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