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Karatsu Ware Collection and Shop

  • Central Karatsu area
  • 観光施設
  • 販売店

On the second floor of Arpino is a collection of a local union of potters from Karatsu. Here their work is displayed and sold.

Guests can also paint their own pottery as well as learn the process of Karatsu ware manufacturing. Beginners will enjoy this experience!

Occasionally, special exhibitions and themed displays are open to the public to see.

住所 唐津市新興町2881-1ふるさと会館アルピノ2F
電話番号 0955-73-4888
営業時間 9:00~18:00
休み 木曜日、年末年始
駐車場 有り
Access JR唐津駅より徒歩1分
二次元バーコード バーコードを表示する



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