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  • Central Karatsu area

Nanatsugama is designated as a natural monument of Japan. The geometric pattern of the rock surface was formed by the cooling and solidifying of lava. That process, along with the natural erosion caused by the waves from the Genkai Sea is what created the beautiful columnar structure that we see today. The largest cave is approximately three meters high, and around 110 meters long. When the weather permits, visitors can take a boat into the caves!
There are a handful of walking paths that visitors enjoy taking. Try to find the elephant’s nose, or the spectacles shaped rock. Be careful though! The views are incredible, but some paths are very close to the cliff’s edge.

住所 唐津市屋形石
電話番号 0955-72-9127(唐津市観光課)
ホームページ 遊覧船(イカ丸)運航状況
※ 遊覧船は呼子港より発着
駐車場 無料駐車場あり
Access 大手口バスセンター より「湊・呼子線」乗車、バス停「七ツ釜入口」下車(34分)
二次元バーコード バーコードを表示する



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