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  • Central Karatsu area

Higashi Beach spans the length of Niji no Matsubara, one of the three longest man-made pine forests in Japan. There is a lot of room to enjoy swimming along the beautiful white sand beach. There are many soft waves, and the water is quite shallow, which makes this the perfect place for a family day out on the beach.
! In the summer months, guests can rent towels and take a shower at the makeshift beach house.

住所 唐津市東唐津
電話番号 0955-72-4963(唐津駅総合観光案内所)
駐車場 2022年9月末まで、虹の松原ホテルの駐車場は使用できません。(なお、この予定は延長となる可能性もあります。)
Access 最寄り駅:東唐津駅、虹ノ松原駅、浜崎駅
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