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Genkai Sea Observation Tower

  • Chinsei
  • 海体験
  • レジャー施設
  • 観光施設

Located in Hado Cape, the Genkai Sea Observatory tower offers incredible views from multiple perspectives. By traversing the 90-meter pier, guests arrive to the deck of the tower. From the deck, you can throw food to the fish and watch them excitedly swim around. Looking up presents you with a view of the beautiful islands surrounding the cape. Descending the stairs into the tower grants you a special look into the lives of the 30 different species of fish that call the Genkai Sea home. Visitors can watch as they swim around the seaweed and shellfish. Thanks in part to the confluence of the Japan and the Tsushima currents, many tropical fish inhabit this area.

住所 佐賀県唐津市鎮西町波戸1628-1
電話番号 090-3464-5337
営業時間 4~9月 9:00~18:00
10~3月  9:00~17:00
休み 年中無休(但し荒天時は休館の場合有り)
駐車場 無料駐車場有 235台(一部有料 300円)
Access ■ 車
■ 昭和バス
二次元バーコード バーコードを表示する



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