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Japanese old style guesthouse Yumeyashiki

  • Yobuko
  • 民宿・ゲストハウス

Yumeyashiki, a traditional Japanese dining bar, is a special concept that invites you into a fantastical Japanese world in a traditional Japanese house.
The concept of Yume-tei is to offer visitors an extraordinary experience by combining the beauty and mystery of harmony.
It is to pursue new value and charm while making the most of the history and atmosphere of old buildings.
While respecting the warmth of the wood and Japanese atmosphere characteristic of old private homes, we incorporate modern design and art into the interior and furnishings.
This creates a unique space where tradition and modernity are in harmony.
In terms of cuisine, the restaurant offers a variety of live fish dishes and seafood rice bowls, with the main dish of ikizukuri (squid deep-fried from the fish tank).
In the evening, we offer a wide variety of dishes that go well with alcoholic beverages, as well as a wide selection of drinks to meet the tastes and needs of our customers.
It is "a fusion of heartwarming interaction and delicious food." Our restaurant not only provides our customers with a good time and delicious food, but also values warm relationships and heart-to-heart connections.
Our restaurant emphasizes a homey atmosphere. Comfortable lighting and calm interior design encourage relaxation and ease, providing a space where customers can be themselves.
Yumeyashiki, an old private house dining bar, is an invitation to a fantastic Japanese world. Enjoy the beauty and mystery of Japan in this special place where tradition and modernity, reality and dreams intersect.

住所 佐賀県唐津市呼子町呼子4165‐4
電話番号 0955-82-3888
営業時間 平日    11:00~15:00 18:00~23:00
日・祝日  10:00~15:00 18:00~22:00
休み 不定休
駐車場 目の前にコインパーキング有
Access 呼子バス停より徒歩3分
二次元バーコード バーコードを表示する
  • じゃらん
  • 公式サイト



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