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  • Nanayama
  • 花・木

*The boardwalk to the foot of the falls is closed.

! The water is said to have healing properties for those with illnesses relating to the eye.
! There is a beautiful walking path running along the falls and river. (Caution: Route may be closed due to construction or poor weather conditions!)

Kannon Waterfalls counts itself among one of Japan’s 100 most beautiful waterfalls. Many people visit the waterfalls to walk along its winding path. Along this path are many exciting discoveries, such as eight waterfalls, bright red bridges, a shrine for eye health, and an interesting set of monuments.
Note: In order to see the falls, you must be able to ascend and descend stairs.

住所 唐津市七山滝川
電話番号 0955-53-7175(唐津市七山市民センター)
駐車場 無料駐車場あり
Access 西九州道「浜玉IC」より車で約15分
二次元バーコード バーコードを表示する




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