The City of Karatsu flourished during the Edo period as the castle town of Karatsu Domain and subsequently as a coal shipping port from the Meiji period on. Traces of the old days are evident in local festivities as well as in different parts of the city. Karatsu Kunchi brining in tens and thousands every year is a major citywide event with over 400 years of heritage and history. Available for a close-look at the Exhibition Hall are the hikiyama floats – the dazzling festival floats men of the city carry through the streets during this Shinto festivity of thanksgiving.
Also, standing on Mt. Mitsushima as if it’s watching over the city is Karatsu Castle, known for its scenic beauty during the cherry and Japanese wisteria blossom season. Sites such as the Former Karatsu Bank Headquarters and the Former Residence of Koreyoshi Takatori manifest the economic rise during the coal mining business boom.
Neighboring Karatsu City and Fukuoka Prefecture’s Itoshima City, Hamatama Town is nationally known for having one of the three best pine groves in the country. Take a look at the spectacular view from the Kagamiyama Observatory – the vast pine grove and the blue ocean expanding in front of you will take your breath away.
Nanayama with calming views of the natural field provides a soothing experience in the nature from all four seasons. Kannon Falls listed in Japan’s Top 100 Waterfalls is home to many wild birds. Autumn foliage in this surrounding region is picturesque, to say the least. Douse yourself in the open-air tub at Nananoyu Onsen, and the greenery of the mountain hamlet sure is going to take a load off of your journey.
Famous for squid, Yobuko is one of the best Genkai-nada viewing spots. Another prime scenic spot in Saga is Nanatsugama designated as the nation’s natural monument. Boat ride services are available for the close-up of the seven caves formed by the rough seas of Genkai-nada as well.
Yobuko Asaichi is one of the country’s largest morning markets in existence. Squid is the staple item here at the 200m-stretch featuring seafood vendors and vegetable stands. The market is constantly drawing many shoppers and buyers. This also happens to be a very popular Genkai-nada viewing spot. Another prime scenic spot in Saga is Nanatsugama designated as the nation’s natural monument. Boat ride services are available for the close-up of the seven caves formed by the rough seas of Genkai-nada.
Chinsei area neighboring Yobuko is located in the northern part of the Higashimatsuura Peninsula. This location, too, offers a great view of the Genkai-nada Sea and its natural beauty. Genkai Underwater Observation Tower within Genkai Underwater Park provides a close look at what is deep beneath the surface as all sorts of marine life passes right in front of your eyes. The region is also notable for possessing various remnants of Momoyama-period culture much like the Nagoya Castle Ruins.
The expanse of terraced rice fields of Genkai Town and Hamanoura is renowned for its scenic beauty. It attracts tens and thousands of visitors for the superb view. During the rice seedling season, the entire sight will radiate in bright orange, as the sun would set on the coast of the water-filled terrain. Protruding into the Genkai-nada Sea, the Oura region of Hizen Town is another scenic location with terraced fields in the nearby area.
The Iroha Islands made up of 48 islets in all sizes are also found in the region between Hizen Town and Fukushima, Matsuura City in Nagasaki Prefecture. The scene of the green islands in the midst of the vast blue sea is so breathtakingly impressive that even Kobo-Daishi had given up on putting into words, or so it’s told.
Kyuragi Town is known to be the birthplace of Matsura Sayohime, the Buddhist mythology heroin of the Legend of Matsuura Sayohime folk story. The upstream region of the Kyuragi River, originating from sacred Mt. Tenzan, features a dam and an athletic complex - making it a beloved resting place for the citizens in the surrounding region. The forestry of natural beauty halfway up Mt. Sakurei is a recommended autumn foliage site where the leaves of some hundred thousand Japanese maple trees all turn colors during the season.
Ouch Town gets its name from its geography: “where the rivers meet.” Quite literally, several rivers converge at the center of the town. Mikaeri-no-Taki Falls located upstream the Ikisa River feature a 100-meter drop and is a popular scenic destination for beautiful flowers of hydrangea in the summer and stunning foliage in the fall. The Kitahata region is also known to be the birthplace of Karatsu ware, a prestigious kiln where the ancient craftsmen of China and Korea first introduced the intricate techniques of porcelain making in this country.