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  • Central Karatsu area
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Every year in the fall, there is a large local celebration at the Houman shrine. The Houman shrine is known for its autumnal custom of erecting 15-meter-tall bamboo “gates” at the entrance. People come from all over to pray for luck. The gathering is to pray for the health and safety of mothers and children, and to celebrate a good harvest and the things the locals are thankful for.

住所 唐津市宇木1716
電話番号 090-2501-0052 (堤区長)
駐車場 宝満神社横広場
大型バス10台以上駐車可 無料
Access 東唐津駅より車で15分です。
西九州自動車道 唐津ICより、宇木方面へ車でおよそ10分です。

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